Professional Supervision
Supervision is a working relationship in which the supervisor facilitates and supports the professional growth, in-depth reflection and self awareness of the supervisee. The co-created and trusted relationship between the supervisor and supervisee is crucial in how effective supervision is and offers rich opportunities to discover what is really going on in the therapy or counselling room of the supervisee and her/his client. Online supervision offered.
Regular time is set aside for the sharing of ideas, development of supervisee’s skills and a chance to review ethical and current mental health practices. The supervisor’s role is to give feedback, guidance, assessment where asked for and sometimes direction. Ultimately, however, regular supervision is in the service of and for the protection of our clients.
I have a Certificate in Supervision from the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy and I am also a Provisional Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (PTSTA) which means that I am qualified and have been endorsed to sponsor and supervise TA trainees who wish to become Certified Transactional Analysts.
I believe that supervision is not done by the supervisor but is co-created with the supervisee and that both of us should be learning by being honest, reflective and embracing the spirit of open enquiry.
Please ring me on 07956 614335 if you wish to discuss having supervision with me.